Our geography curriculum transforms our young people into highly effective geographers that become global citizens, by promising to deliver 5 key qualities throughout their studies at Abbot Beyne:
- Empowering students to learn about the social, economic, environmental, cultural and politicalopportunities and challenges in the modern world.
- Our geographers understand the complex interactions between the human and physical environments at a range of geographical scales, using named places.
- Encouraging our students to empathise with a broad range of cultures taught through people’s lived experiences.
- The teaching of universal geographical values of charity, empathy, tolerance, anti-racism and the importance of their local actions.
- Geographical skills, decision making and practical fieldwork experiences empower geographical leadership in order to seek answers to geographical problems in Burton upon Trent and beyond
‘Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before’ Dalai Lama.
Our Year 8 geographers will study the following topics:
- Africa and Extreme Environments
- A Globalised World.
- UK River Landscapes.
- Sustainability – Can it be achieved?
- UK Coasts
Termly assessments are built into the Year 8 Geography Curriculum. Our assessments are carefully designed to assess a range of progressive knowledge, understanding and geographical skills. All Year 8 students will complete a summative exam during the summer term to assess their learning over the academic year.
Our Year 9 geographers will study the following topics:
- Global Population and Development
- Tropical Rainforests
- Discovering Places – Topical issues and events from around the world
- Natural Hazards
- Developing Nations
- Economic World.
Termly assessments are built into the Year 9 Geography Curriculum. Our assessments are carefully designed to assess a range of progressive knowledge, understanding and geographical skills. All Year 9 students will complete a summative exam during the summer term to assess their learning over the academic year.
At Abbot Beyne we deliver AQA GCSE Geography course.
Our Year 10 geographers will study the following topics:
- Unit 1 – Challenges of Natural Hazards
- Unit 1 – Living World and Hot Deserts
- Unit 1 – UK Physical Landscapes, specialising in UK coasts and rivers
- Unit 3 – Geographical skills and our fieldwork investigations
Our Year 11 geographers will study the following topics:
- Unit 2 – Urban Issues and Challenges
- Unit 2 – Changing Economic World
- Unit 2 – Resource Management, specialising in water resources.
- Unit 3 – Geographical Decision Making
- Revision and exam preparation.
At GCSE our geographers will complete half termly assessments which cover all of the knowledge, understanding and skills set out in the AQA GCSE Geography assessment framework for 2016 onwards. Year 11 students will have two mock examinations, usually in December and March to prepare them for the upcoming GCSEs in the summer. These mock assessments are tightly linked to the AQA GCSE assessment framework using specimen papers.
At Abbot Beyne we deliver the Edexcel A Level Geography course.
Our Year 12 geographers will study the following topics:
- Superpowers
- Globalisation
- Shaping Places
- Migration, Identity and Sovereignty
- Coasts
Our Year 13 geographers will study the following topics:
- Tectonic Processes and Hazards
- Water and the Carbon Cycle
- NEA Independent Investigation
- Decision Making Exercise
At A Level our geographers will be assessed routinely on the topic being taught at that time. These assessments are linked to the Edexcel A-Level assessment framework using specimen or past exam papers. Year 12 students complete a mock exam in the summer term and Year Thirteen have two sets of mock exams in order to prepare them for their final external exams.
Extra curricular opportunities
Discover Geography Club
Geographical Association lecture visits to North Staffordshire University
Geography Fieldwork Visits
Who to contact if you want further information
Mr J Stafford – j.stafford@abbotbeyneschool.co.uk