Students are taught to explore new ideas and are encouraged to also consider abstract problems alongside those that can be modelled by real-life situations. Students will need to use the key learning skills of independence and resilience in order to become analytical thinkers.
Students are encouraged to demonstrate these skills not only in lesson but through extended learning opportunities such as:
- ‘UKMT Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Team Maths Challenges’
- ‘TT Rockstars’ Competitions
- Level 2 Further Maths GCSE
- Young Enterprise Competitions
- BP Enterprise activities
Vocabulary (Tier 2 & 3)
Frayer models are used for introducing and reinforcing important key words and ideas in Mathematics. Subject specific vocabulary is referenced in lesson notes and students are guided to use the PIXL Unlock app. These allow an easy way to begin to learn and reference the required vocabulary and knowledge to be a successful Mathematician.
Additionally, maths command words are taught so that students can access and demonstrate their mathematical knowledge such as estimate, explain, calculate, describe fully, construct, solve, factorise, justify.
Numeracy is an essential aspect of Mathematics needed to develop mathematical fluency. Numeracy skills are explicitly taught in all years with a particular focus on times tables.
Links with other subjects
Mathematics links to all subjects on a numeracy level but it is also much broader than that.
These links are obvious in subjects such as Science and Geography where there is a regular need to analyse data and use formulae. Food technology, PE and Technology also use many aspects of geometry and measures on a day to day basis. Subjects such as ICT use algorithms, computer programming and databases.
The link with the arts such as History and English can be less explicit but there is a need to use mathematical skills to evaluate periods of time, use diagrammatic representations and evaluate the reliability of sources.
Assessment in Mathematics
At Key Stage Three (Years, 7, 8 and 9) assessments are built into the curriculum with regular formative assessments taking place. Summative termly assessments take place at the end of each term for all years. Students are regularly provided with therapy opportunities, which arise from analysis of assessments. For example, this could be delivered through Building block tasks on Hegarty or via small group tuition. All Key Stage Three students complete an exam during the summer term in order to acclimatise them to an exam hall and to prepare them for the experiences of external exams at Key Stages Four and Five.
At Key Stage Four (Years 10 &11), termly assessments are completed which cover the subject skills for that term but also assess the key themes of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Year 11 students also have two mock exams during the year in order to prepare them for the upcoming GCSE exams. Students are provided with detailed question level analysis from these to support their progression in this subject.
At Key Stage Five (Years 12 & 13) students are assessed regularly throughout their relevant course of study. Level 3 Core Maths students undertake two mock exams during year 12 and they sit the terminal exam in the summer series.
Year Twelve A-level students complete regular half termly assessments which culminate in an end of year exam in the summer term. Year Thirteen students have two sets of formal mock exams. Students are provided with detailed question level analysis from these to support their areas for revision.