Pastoral Care

Abbot Beyne School is committed to creating a well ordered, safe and secure environment for all where there is mutual respect between students and staff. This respect is fostered within a sympathetic and caring ethos where the needs of everyone are put at the centre of all support and intervention.

Our comprehensive pastoral care system is based around Form Tutors, Heads of Year and Key Stage Leaders. Form Tutors have daily contact with students and our Heads of Year are non-teaching members of staff whose focus is the welfare of students. They work closely with teachers and together support any individual student in need of care, support or advice. Key Stage Leaders are available as an additional level of support. Heads of Year and Key Stage Leaders are managed by an Assistant Headteacher. Students requiring additional support receive this via Learning Support, or through staff from the Student Well-being Team. The Form Tutor is the first source of support for parents and carers if there are day-to-day issues for any student.

Heads of Year can be contacted by telephone or email throughout the school day to discuss any concerns. Messages can be left by emailing the school office.

Pastoral Key Contacts

Name Job Role Email
Mrs F Airey Assistant Headteacher
Miss J Wood Pastoral Curriculum Lead
Mr M McHugh-Hicks Head of Key Stage 3
Mrs L Wright Head of Year 7
Mrs E Ingley Head of Year 8
Miss C Gooding Head of Year 9
Mrs R Bi Head of Year 10
Mrs C Cartwright Head of Year 11
Mrs D Davies Head of Key Stage 4
Mrs R Hussain Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Lynch Bridge Manager
Mrs L Lynch Attendance Officer