The first day of the autumn term is then reserved for Year 7 students. We want our students to be safe and happy from their very first day and feel a real sense of belonging. We speak to all Year 6 teachers to gain as much information as we can. We work with our students through their induction and our Bootcamp to ensure that our expectations of them are clear and transparent. We get to know every student who starts at Abbot Beyne School as quickly as possible and an integral part of our Transition Programme is working in partnership with parents/ carers. Early in the new autumn term we have a ‘Meet the Form Tutor’ evening for parents to find out how their child is settling in, ask questions and be able to put a name to key faces.
Please see below a Year 6 transition presentation from our Headteacher Mr Tickle

We know how daunting it can seem to come to secondary school. One of the most important things for us is to make sure you are happy and safe at school and that you enjoy coming every day. On your induction days you will become familiar with where everything is and you will be able to meet some of your teachers and other students who will be in your form group and classes.
Some key points to know are:
- Your Form Tutor is there to help. He or she will see you every morning and will make sure you know where to go and what you should be doing.
- Always ask if you are not sure.
- Your timetable will be on the student app on your iPad.
- If you are polite and show respect to teachers and other students you will definitely do well
- Tell someone if you have a concern. Any member of staff will listen and help but don’t forget the best people to talk to are your Form Tutor or Head of Year.
Perhaps the best advice comes from some of our older students:
- Don’t worry because you’ll quickly learn your way around the school but if you get lost then there is plenty of help so you can find your way.
- I advise you to focus on your learning and get to your classrooms on time. Behave so you don’t get into trouble. Always wear the correct uniform.
- Stay happy, you can do any job easily if you’re happy with it.
- On my first day I felt kind of nervous because I didn’t have any friends and I felt a bit scared but also a bit happy. Now I feel happy and excited as I’ve got new friends. The best bit about Abbot Beyne is the lunches. You can get hot food and get it quickly. I hope you have a fantastic first day.
We encourage new families to become more familiar with Abbot Beyne School. Our staff will liaise with staff in your child’s primary school to find out about each of our new students so that we can make sure we have all the information we need to enable a successful start for your son /daughter. In addition to letters from the headteacher please see below other ways in which you can find out a little more about Abbot Beyne School.